Before we start


We would first like to thank you for joining us on Traceus Project.  All participants on the project have a particular interest in the food and traditions of their native country, and we all look forward to hearing their stories and trying out their recipes.

This journey will be one of many small steps, followed here in our learning units.

  • In Unit 1, we will look at the culinary traditions of the countries of this partnership:  Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Ireland, Spain. In Belgium, we will join immigrants to Europe as they introduce us to their culinary traditions.
  • Unit 2 will guide you through your childhood memories to find a recipe and the story of that recipe.
  • In Unit 3, we will get ready to produce and share the videos of this recipe: we will guide you through writing the script of your story, the recipe of your dish, and a storyboard to prepare your video.
  • Unit 4 will help you film your videos:  we guide you through 2 possible videos: the video of your story and  the video of cooking the recipe
  • In Unit 5, we will edit the videos and finally upload and share them.
Learning Material
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2020-1-1E01-KA204-66037]