Unit 3: Getting ready


You know which recipe you are going to use, and you have written the story of that recipe, where you first ate it, what links it has to your family history to the general cultural traditions of your area.  You will need the text of this story to be easily retrievable. We will need it soon.

Your recipe might be one you cook every week, or it could be an old family recipe that you only cook on special occasions. No matter what, before being ready to film, you will need to cook it at least once and take notes as you go.

NOTE: When you signed up to TRACEUS, you did so independently in most cases. Indeed, you can participate in TRACEUS on your own, but every step of this culinary and filming adventure is easier to do with a friend or family member. Your cooking and filming partner does not need to know anything about cooking or filming, but they would be an invaluable asset. After all, every famous chef has a sous-chef, every famous director has an assistant!

Learning Material
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