Unit 5: Editing


Now that we have shot our videos, we may need to edit them slightly.  We are not trying to make a film that will win the Oscars, but sometimes we need to remove a small part of the video or put two videos together. To do this and to show our videos, we will be using YouTube.

In this unit, we will look at YouTube – although most of us do watch videos there regularly! We will first see how to upload our videos to YouTube from our phone or computer, then look at the YouTube video editor: YouTube Studio. This editor allows some basic editing functions. We will learn how to cut out the beginning of the end of our video, remove a part in the middle, add royalty-free music, and finally, add subtitles.

This editing step is not always necessary.  If you are happy with the video you have filmed, you can use it as it is – many people do so. In that case, go to section 4 of this unit (Upload a video from your phone) or to unit 7.

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